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Vendeur : Le Temps des Travaux

Le Temps des Travaux logo
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Inscrit depuis :2022

Présentation de la société

Fort de ses 8 ans d'expérience dans la vente à distance, Le Temps des Travaux est spécialisé dans les univers Chauffage, Ventilation, Électricité, Quincaillerie et Climatisation mobile. Nous avons sélectionné pour vous, auprès de fabricants français, des produits de qualité jusqu'ici réservé aux professionnels. Avec notre catalogue de plus de 30 000 références, majoritairement livrables en 24H, nous sommes votre meilleur allié pour concrétiser vos projets de rénovation, de décoration et d'amélioration de votre habitat.

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Tous les produits Le Temps des Travaux



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Informations vendeur

Informations réglementaires

Raison sociale : Tamanoir
SIRET : 81257871400048
Adresse du siège : 697 Chemin du Valla de Rigon, 13720 La Bouilladisse, France

Présentation de la société

Fort de ses 8 ans d'expérience dans la vente à distance, Le Temps des Travaux est spécialisé dans les univers Chauffage, Ventilation, Électricité, Quincaillerie et Climatisation mobile. Nous avons sélectionné pour vous, auprès de fabricants français, des produits de qualité jusqu'ici réservé aux professionnels. Avec notre catalogue de plus de 30 000 références, majoritairement livrables en 24H, nous sommes votre meilleur allié pour concrétiser vos projets de rénovation, de décoration et d'amélioration de votre habitat.

Retours et remboursements

Article 6 - Right of withdrawal and withdrawal form In accordance with Article L.221-18 of the Consumer Code, and if the right of withdrawal is applicable, the Consumer Customer has a period of fourteen (14) working days from the date of receipt of the Product of his order or of the conclusion of the contract for the services, to retract. He/she will be required to to return any Product that does not suit him and request an exchange or refund without penalty, except for the cost of return the return shipping costs, within fourteen days from the reception by LE TEMPS DES TRAVAUX of the of the refund request. The Product must be returned in perfect condition, in its original undamaged packaging (no tape or traces of damage). scotch tape, nor traces of markers). It must be accompanied by all its accessories. The Consumer Customer can find below a standard withdrawal form for an order placed on the Site, to be sent to THE TIME OF THE WORKS. It is understood that the Customer will bear the cost of returning the Product in case of the cost of returning the Product in case of withdrawal, as well as the cost of returning the Product if it, due to its nature, cannot normally be returned by post. Upon receipt of your withdrawal request, the Seller will send you a return form. This return form will be to be attached to the product in its return packaging. If the above obligations are not fulfilled, the Customer will lose his right of withdrawal. The Vendor will will then inform the Customer that the Product will be returned to him at his expense. It is recommended to the Customer to make the return by a solution allowing a follow-up of the parcel. Otherwise, if the returned package otherwise, if the returned package does not reach the Seller, it will not be possible to launch an investigation with the postal services in order to ask them to locate it. Refunds will be made using the same payment method chosen by the Customer for the initial transaction, unless otherwise agreed by the transaction, unless the Customer expressly agrees that the Seller may use another method of payment, and insofar as the the refund does not incur any costs for the Customer. Seller also reserves the right to defer the refund until receipt of the Product or until Customer has Customer has not demonstrated that it has shipped the Product, if such demonstration has not previously occurred. has not previously taken place. In the event of depreciation of the Products resulting from handling other than that necessary to establish the the nature, characteristics and proper functioning of the Product(s), the Customer's responsibility may be engaged. The Seller reserves the right to refuse the refund of the product or to apply a discount on the amount of the refund. on the amount of the refund. In accordance with Article L221-5 of the Consumer Code, ("Hamon Law") of June 2014, the Customer Consumer can find below a standard withdrawal form for an order placed on the site : Withdrawal Form (Please complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract). To the attention of LE TEMPS DES TRAVAUX SAS, 697 chemin du Valla de Rigon, 13720, La Bouilladisse I/We (*) hereby notify you (*) of my/our (*) withdrawal from the contract for the sale of goods (*)/services (*) below: Ordered on (*)/received on (*) : Name of the Customer(s) : Address of Customer(s) : Signature of Client(s) (only in case of notification of this form on paper): Date : (*) Delete as appropriate. Translated with (free version) In accordance with the AGEC law (Fight against Food Waste and the Circular Economy), "Le temps des work" is a member of an eco-organization (Unique number: FR280161_01UOHM) allowing it to declare and pay an eco-contribution on household packaging